Board Basics (An Enhancement to MKSAP 17): Errata and Revisions

(Updated October 2018)

Cardiovascular Medicine

Page 3: Cardiovascular Medicine, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Therapy. In the paragraph after the Study Table “Drug Therapy for MI,” the last sentence should state “dual antiplatelet therapy” instead of “dural antiplatelet therapy.” (Added January 2016)

Page 6: Cardiovascular Medicine, Chronic Stable Angina, Diagnosis. In the second paragraph, the probability of ischemic heart disease based on category of chest pain should read "typical angina > atypical angina > nonanginal chest pain". (Added July 2016)

Page 9: Cardiovascular Medicine, Heart Failure, Therapy. The 6th bullet point of the Don't Be Tricked list should state "non-dihydropyridine" instead of "dihydropyridine" ("Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers..."). (Added March 2016)

Page 44: Cardiovascular Medicine, Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection, Therapy. The third bullet point should state, "rapid growth >5 mm/year", not 0.5 mm/year. (Added February 2018)

Page 45: Cardiovascular Medicine, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Therapy. AAAs greater than 5.5 cm in diameter require surgical repair whether they are symptomatic or not. Therefore, the third sentence of this section should state “Schedule surgical repair of AAAs ≥5.5 cm in diameter...” (Added January 2016)

Endocrinology and Metabolism

Page 82: Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pituitary Tumors, Therapy. The answer to the "Test Yourself" question should state, "Repeat the MRI in 1 year." (Added August 2017)

Page 92: Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pheochromocytoma, Diagnosis. In the fourth paragraph, the text should say pheochromocytoma is associated with neurofibromatosis type 1, not type 2. (Added July 2016)

General Internal Medicine

Page 168: General Internal Medicine, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Diagnosis. In the second paragraph, the second-to-last sentence stating, "Transvaginal ultrasonography is indicated for women >35 years with abnormal uterine bleeding, or refractory bleeding to assess endometrial stripe thickness" should NOT be included. Transvaginal ultrasonography is not helpful in premenopausal women. (Added August 2017)

Page 173: General Internal Medicine, Eye Disorders, Age-Related Macular Degeneration. In the second paragraph of this section, the word “inhibitors” should follow “VEGF” in the following sentence: “Laser photocoagulation and intraocular injection of VEGF inhibitors is recommended for wet AMD.” (Added January 2016)

Infectious Disease

Page 224: Infectious Disease, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Therapy. Clindamycin plus nafcillin should be used if MSSA is identified, not MRSA. There is also an additional sentence added to the paragraph. ("...narrow to clindamycin plus nafcillin if MSSA is identified. If TSS is associated with MRSA, vancomycin plus clindamycin or linezolid can be used.") (Added March 2016)

Page 224: Infectious Disease, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Therapy. The second sentence should indicate narrowing to clindamycin plus nafcillin for MSSA, not MRSA. (Added February 2017)

Page 229: Infectious Disease, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis, Diagnosis. The "human granulocytic ehrlichiosis" figure legend should be expanded to label both sides of the figure: "HME (left) and HGA (right); demonstration of morulae recognized as clumps of organisms in the cytoplasm." (Added February 2017)

Page 244: Infectious Disease, Fever of Unknown Origin, Diagnosis. One week of inpatient evaluation is no longer standard in the diagnosis of fever of unknown origin; it is now 3 days. "Fever of unknown origin is characterized by a temperature >38.3 °C (100.9 °F) for at least 3 weeks that remains undiagnosed after 2 outpatient visits or 3 days of inpatient evaluation." (Added February 2017)


Page 321: Oncology, Colorectal Cancer, Screening. In the "Colon Cancer Screening" study table, 2nd row, the symbol "≤" should be changed to "≥" ("First-degree relative diagnosed with colon cancer at age ≥60 years."). (Added March 2016)

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Page 340: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Function Tests, Key Tests and Patterns. In the bulleted list regarding flow-volume loops, each bullet point is paired with a segment of the Flow-Volume Loops figure on page 341:

  • a "scooped-out" pattern with a decreased slope on the expiratory curve that does not improve with bronchodilation indicates COPD (Figure A)
  • a "scooped-out" pattern with a decreased slope on the expiratory curve that improves with bronchodilation indicates reversible obstructive airway disease (asthma) (Figure B)
  • "flattening" in both inspiratory and expiratory curves and decreased airflow indicates fixed obstruction (e.g., tracheal stenosis) (Figure D)
  • Following attainment of peak flow, the flow rate declines linearly and proportionally to volume, producing a relatively straight slope characteristic of a normal flow-volume loop (Figure C) (Added July 2016, revised August 2016)

NEWPage 340: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Function Tests, Key Tests and Patterns. In the last row of the Study Table "Interpreting DLCO," "HF" should be removed from the interpretations. (Added October 2018)

Page 343: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Asthma, Therapy. In the bulleted list on omalizumab therapy, the final bullet should state, "IgE levels between 30 and 700 kU/L". (Added August 2017)

NEWPage 346: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Therapy. Under list of "Other therapies for stable COPD" (starts on page 345), the sixth bullet point, discussing lung volume reduction surgery, should indicate "heterogeneous disease" within the parentheses, not homogeneous disease. (Added October 2018)

Page 355: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Pneumothorax, Therapy. The last bullet point of this section should state "pleurodesis for a 2nd primary spontaneous pneumothorax and for any secondary spontaneous pneumothorax." (Added March 2016)

NEWPage 355: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Hypertension, Diagnosis. In the "Groups 2 through 5" bullet point, "portal hypertension" should be removed. Portal hypertension falls under Group 1 respiratory disorders. (Added October 2018)

Page 367: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Sepsis, Therapy, Study Table: Treatment of Sepsis and Septic Shock. The last two applications of the antibiotic therapy treatment have been revised to state:

  • Reasonable choice for sepsis of unclear etiology and low Pseudomonas risk: vancomycin plus 1 of the following: ceftriaxone or cefotaxime, piperacillin-tazobactam, or imipenem
  • If high Pseudomonas risk: vancomycin plus 2 anti-Pseudomonas agents (e.g., ceftazidime, cefepime, imipenem, piperacillin-tazobactam) (Added July 2016)


Page 397: Rheumatology, Vasculitis, Diagnosis. Under small-vessel vasculitis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is associated with an elevated IgE, not IgG. (Added July 2016)

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